The Cost of Music promotion in Nigeria 2024


The standard promotion budget for the first single of an unknown artist is ₦25m

I am not discouraging you, because you must not have the 25m in cash, there are things worth millions you will get for free, that is where consistency and hard work come.

With consistency and hard work, you can get a result 10m Naira can not get.

Some artistes don’t quantify valuable things they get for free. (That is the reason I don’t give my music advice for free)

If you did a freestyle or cover, and someone like Cubana Chief Priest or Don Jazzy repost it for free, they gave you a gift of 2m Naira, because on a normal note Don Jazzy or Cubana Chief Priest won’t accept less than that to post such content on their page.

If you have 10K organic Instagram followers who engage in your posts, you have already spent a million because it cost about that to get such a target audience from Sponsored ads.

The majority of artistes I have seen want to have their first single on rotation on every Radio station in Nigeria, be on Apple Music’s top 10, be on repeat on every club in Nigeria and start going for shows so they can start building their team, yet they don’t have 100k in their account or ready to pay the price of patience or consistent improvement.

You can never wake up to stardom, you work towards stardom.

No matter the name you will mention under this post, none of them got to top without using at least 2 out of these 3 things “MONEY, CONSISTENT HARD WORK & UNIQUE STRATEGY”

If you don’t have money, work out your acceptance and see people who you dream of meeting inviting you to meet them.

If you have money, don’t just start promotion (music promoters go chop you), get capable team members who believe in your talent, have a set of plans and start executing them, if you rush to spend money on every strategy you have seen people use, you will get tired and discouraged if the first and second song didn’t blow up.

Summary: if you want to blow, have money or work hard.


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